Gonna have to track this down, I'm a big fan Mike Mignola.
Gonna have to track this down, I'm a big fan Mike Mignola.
Funny thing is if I were to read the reviews with out seeing the number score I would have guessed Tales, DC, and Shin Meg would have had 9 to 9.5. Not sure why the number scores were so low especially against something like Plants vs Zombies. Thats why I like to get reviews from multiple sources. I honestly miss mags like GameFan and PSM. GI has annoyed plenty of times.
I don't mind chiptune, it has a certain quality that I guese is just nostalgic. But in the case of the Mega Man 2 peice you played I would have opted for the version by the MiniBosses. They also do a cool version of the Punch Out theme.
I prefer over the top. Gran Tourismo 5 is the only game I own that is realistic.
Yeah, GBA compatability is why I hope my DSlite never dies. I Stupidly sold my GBA SD several years back. Plus I had the GBA player for my Gamecube but my Gamecube bit the dust so it the only thing I have left to play GBA games on.
Wow unless this woman was 80 years old how could she not know these things. Nevermind teaching a class that is based in using the internet. Sadly I have seen far too many times that having a lot of ambition and no selfrespect (booty licker) can get you a lot further than integrity and intelligence. And bootylickers like other bootylickers so it starts a ladder of shamesless morons promoting each other.
Got this one, have about 10 hr in it...sigh. Another incomplete in the PS2 backlog. I wanted to get the second game but I was broke at the time. They had the collectors edition the Jackfrost plush for $30. I have seen that same set on ebay for $150.
There is always some issue at launch, usually better to wait. Not sure I can help you with the handheld, all I got is a DSlite and never owned either of the Sony models. Think it really comes down to the kind of games you like and price. If or when I upgrade I'm considering the 3DSXL.
Think of it as the Dungeon and Dragons arcade game on steroids. It even has the heros gatherd aound the table in a pub. I'm only little way in but so far I really like it.
I think the SNES set the standard but the PS2 perfected it. I don't care for how sony rounded the L2 & R2 button on the PS3 controller, but I LOVE being wireless. Give me a wireless PS2 controller and that would be perfection.