I don't think it holds a candle to four either, or even 3.
The only thing I think it does better is platforming. It's about the same as Uncharted in puzzles, though Uncharted at least has the balls to put puzzles in the main game and not put a tool tip up every 3 seconds to remind you of a mechanic you're already well aware of.
I think Rise of the Tomb Raider has the potential to be great, but it never realises it. If it mixed it's combat with it's platforming a bit more we might have a fun system, but it's mostly broken up into platforming and combat zones. Uncharted's combat has incorporated interesting verticality at least from 2, and 4's combat is leaps and fucking bounds above it.
And I forgive a lot about Uncharted because I like it's characters and world. I don't think I like anything about Tomb Raider's characters, and the plot is fucking garbage even compared to most video games.
What really hurts it is how inconsistent it is, how it's like "don't freeze to death" then puts you in freezing water constantly. Then in a cutscene you fall into the same freezing water you just swam through for like 20 minutes and now all of a sudden it's a problem. This happens so fucking consistently with every aspect of the story that I can't take it seriously.
Which would be fine, because gameplay is king but it doesn't even do that well half the time. It's too scared to take risks, or it half takes them then backpedals out because it's scared the player might have a fucking stroke if anything even remotely original happens.
Not to mention that in terms of structure, this is almost a remake of the original game. It feels like very little has changed this time around apart from having a few more things to play with and a bit less combat.
It's like the first game, painfully average dribble that people think is the second coming of Christ for some fucking reason.