He was a visionary and way ahead of his time. I remember how amazed i was by his work as a child. Made going to the movies so exciting. He will be missed,but his legacy always remains.
He was a visionary and way ahead of his time. I remember how amazed i was by his work as a child. Made going to the movies so exciting. He will be missed,but his legacy always remains.
Not surprising to me you have so many PS2 games. You seem to find very unique ones all over the place! Lots of games I have never seen before. The site sounds like a great way to keep up with your collection. May check it out tonight.
This is really great news. I've been looking forward to this great piece of DLC. Think it will be a lot of fun to play.
Very impressive! And so organized,too. I like that part. People who are careful to organize their games and take care of them usually get so much more out of them. Saw a guy walk into GameStop with a stack of scratched up dirty disks and no cases in his hand just yesterday. They sent him packing pronto! I've been thinking of starting a collection of NES games of my own. You have inspired me greatly with yours.
I have so many in my backlog it is just awful. You gave me some great tips here. Ones that could help me out some. I have finished a few in the past 2 weeks. I'm usually able to squeeze in about 2 hours a day,so it gets tough. I like your tip about the 20 dollar mark...that works! I need to be more patient,as these games are not going anywhere.
Omerta is one that I think has the right elements to it. Mainly based on what you've said about it. I finished Mafia 2 last week and had a blast with it. The cars,music,dialog,story,was all spot on. I really hope a third game is in the works. Never tried The Godfather or the sequel. Love the movies,so I may try those out.
N64-Goldeneye,PS1-Parasite Eve,PS2-Metal Gear Solid 2,XBOX-Halo,PS3-The Orange Box,SNES-Super Mario World,Vita-Gravity Rush,DS-Dragon Quest 9,Wii-Red Steel,Gamecube-MGS The Twin Snakes,PSP-The 3rd Birthday,XBOX 360-Red Dead Redemption,Dreamcast-Soul Calibur,NES-Final Fantasy,3DS-Ocarina Of Time
For me it would have to be the final boss battles in Final Fantasy VII. Even after leveling up all my characters and doing everything I could,it was still too tough for me. Never finished that game due to my frustration with them.
I had been playing Borderlands 2 very regularly until Bioshock Infinite came along. Now that I finished it I can get back to it. The Gunzerker is next on my list to try. I had played the first game,but not all the DLC. So I'm probably going to get the GOTY edition at some point to experience that. So much goodness packed into a single game,what's not to love?
Tiny Tina is so crazy,yet so lovable. I like that she's the focus of the new DLC. So far I have loved every one they've put out.