Really need to upgrade to a 3DS, was watching a demo for Fire Emblem Awakening today, that game looks really cool. Shin Megumi IV is another one I must play.
Really need to upgrade to a 3DS, was watching a demo for Fire Emblem Awakening today, that game looks really cool. Shin Megumi IV is another one I must play.
Very cool break down.
Man, tough question. Marle & Ayla from Chrono Trigger, Tifa FFVII, Quistis FFVIII, Garnet FFIX, Samus, Jade BG&E, Ling Xiaoyu Tekken, Tali & Liara Mass Effect,... uhm I know there are more but I'm tired and can't think. I'll add them when they come to me.
Admittedly its my first time playing a strategy games that is based around guns and modern weaponry, more used to melee and magic, but so far I'm really liking it.
Heck everyday is IPA day for me, lol. But nice to know there is actually official day.
This is going to be a slick game. Still getting my feet wet in X-com Enemy Unknown, but this is a nice twist on the game mechanics.
This is a really cool piece. I enjoyed the first game, it had some nice music too. Tried to play the second game but all the mystious giant zippered hoodies and overly serious mood just got a bit rediculous and I quit after about 2 hrs. May have to hunt down the soundtracks at the very least though.
A wise man knows that he truly knows nothing...or something like that.
You just made my martini taste even better and its already a damn good martini ! A diety who can actually do miracles, that's a true god indeed.
Got this on preorder with Xillia, can't wait to play it.