Metroid 5. That is all I want to hear about. I mean it has been 12 years since Metroid 4. I want a sequel.
Metroid 5. That is all I want to hear about. I mean it has been 12 years since Metroid 4. I want a sequel.
I totally agree with the Metroid thing. Metroid Fusion really gets under my skin every time I play it because of SA-X. I liked how you put the Metroid title screen music in the podcast, it was a nice touch.
I took a break from the crucible for two weeks to gt enough vangard marks for a weapon. I felt inadequate when I finally returned. It is some of the most solid PvP I have played in a long time.
There are two announced expansion packs coming. There might be more, but for now just the two. Bungie holds these "events" that allow players to work towards new gear that is available only through the events.
I think that they will be continueing to pump content out until the next game eventually comes.
The issue is that most of the DLC is coming to Xbox, but not all of it. There are two strike maps that are PS exclusive for the year.
There was already an exclusive strike and a handful of weapons that were PS exclusive at launch.
With Wolfenstein and Metro Redux, this year has been pretty good on that front though.
This seaon has to be the best season of Doctor Who yet. I have loved every episode. I may find The Doctor, not Capaldi, to be a little grating, but Clara is top-notch.
I am going to grab Pier Solar when it releases on the Vita.
I played through the first one on the PS3 and enjoyed it enough to get the other two games in the series. The only problem is that I didn't get to the sequels.
Monument Valley was a great way to spend an hour.
I have messed around with Hitman GO and enjoyed it quite a bit so far.