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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 71

Blake's E3 Roundup Thus Far

Posted on 06/19/2016 at 06:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The HD Re-release? Sure, mainly because PC users are getting it for free (despite the fact they already have it).

Blake's E3 Roundup Thus Far

Posted on 06/19/2016 at 06:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Right? GoW combat is still a hell of a lot of fun, though I've actually been googling "games where I kill shit with a viking axe" due to watching vikings, so I may enjoy this. I'm worried about the kid tagging along for the whole game. He doesn't seem anywhere near interesting enough to carry a game.

Blake's E3 Roundup Thus Far

Posted on 06/19/2016 at 06:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm doing an E3 series with the first entry going up today and I'll be talking about RE7 tomorrow. I played the demo and I have some mixed feelings about it honestly.

  I will study Zelda a bit more because I actually liked what I saw which surprised me. It gave me a team ico feel for some reason which made me super happy. 

 Right? I mean, I'll still play the new GoW but idk man. I want mr morally wrong murder face to murder some faces, not be a dad. I heard the kid is with you the whole way, and that just feels wrong. Hopefully it does prove me wrong, but I wasn't as hyped as I should have been.

Blake's E3 Roundup Thus Far

Posted on 06/15/2016 at 04:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I didn't have much to add to that other than that his visual design actually makes me feel physically ill.

A Quick Update

Posted on 06/10/2016 at 03:23 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The second episode of Preacher is a bit more sombre and reflective, with the humour being a touch more understated. That said, there is a scene where Cassidy gets a fucking chainsaw and enacts a scene that would make Sam Raimi smile with glee, so it's still pretty bonkers. 

 As for how it all relates to the comics? All of this is taking place before the comics and they've changed a few things (Tulip is a white Blonde in the comics, and Cass also looks like an 80's vampire.) If it is anything like the comics, expect things to get much darker, much more horror based, and extremely offensive if you're a christian. Also, a hell of a lot funnier.

 I like Outcast too, I'm just a bit more skeptical because I don't know where it's going, whereas with Preacher I'm having too much damn fun to care.

Yeah, you get GoW 1 and 2 for like 20ish-25 bucks? Idk, it cost me 30 so I'm guessing it'll cost you at least 5 bucks less.

 As with the book, if you do read it, be patient. It's great, and I love the characters, but it is a trilogy, and the second and third books in the trilogy are what cemented Abercrombie as one of the best fantasy authors alive. If you want an easier jumping in point for this world, he has written 3 standalone books in the univers which are utterly fantastic. Red Country is a straight up grimdark fantasy western, Heroes closer to War fiction, and Best Served Cold is basically Joe's version of Count of Monte Cristo. All have characters from this trilogy pop up from time to time, but are pretty stand alone otherwise, and much easier to get into than The Blade Itself, where a lot of it is setting up the trilogy.

A Quick Update

Posted on 06/09/2016 at 09:22 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah I play Cities Skylines. Used to play it quite a bit. It was my chill the fuck out and listen to a podcast game, and it was in my top 10 of last year.

A Quick Update

Posted on 06/09/2016 at 09:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah there's a Kindle version. I had it, but I like physical versions so I went and tracked the series down. I think you'll like it if you like Martin's stuff, they're similar yet quite different. Abercrombie seems to enjoy a tighter focus and cast of characters, though it does take roughly 130ish pages for the plot to really start. Stick with it until then and you'll be in for a treat.

Odin Sphere Out Today

Posted on 06/09/2016 at 04:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I really want to pick it up, but I'm still not seeing it on PSN here, which is unfortunate. Hopefully they fix the originals framerate, as it was fucking obnoxious playing a brawler like a slideshow.

The "Hey, he's alive!" Blog

Posted on 06/09/2016 at 04:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Nice to hear from you.

I can't go on Tumblr anymore, mostly because it seems to be a hive of hatefilled extremists/porn and I get enough of both in my day to day life to not fuck with it.

And I would make a backlog thing, but honestly if a game doesn't grab me enough to want to finish it, I'm not going to force myself to.

 Keep on keeping on, and I hope to see more of you!


It's Hard to Reset ;_;

Posted on 06/06/2016 at 11:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Seth Rogen doesn't have that much to do with the show outside of funding and co-directing it. He loves the comic and wants to see it on screen. Assface isn't played for laughs, and he doesn't actually have an Anus for a face. That's just something bullies call him and it sticks.

 Preacher is a bit silly in places, but super serious in others. It's really offbeat and insane, but also dark and brooding. The mix is a bit off at the moment, but it definitely has potential.

 I just watched the first episode of Outcast and it was decent. Reminds me of Hannibal for some reason, at least in terms of tone and protagonist. But demonic posessions aren't my horror jam as they all tend to play out somewhat similarly. Hopefully it isn't just the main character exorcising a demon every week, because that would get old pretty quickly. But I'm interested enough in the tone and character to keep going.

As for games, Painkiller is basically more frantic Hard Reset with a horror aesthetic, though it also has ninja's in it's not super serious horror. It has a few levels with some decent suspense though.

 Although if you like atmospheric shooters that can run on old hardware, have you tried Singularity? It kind of blatantly rips off Bioshock and a few other games, but it also has a gun that ages people in an instant, and a sniper rifle where you can control the bullet after you fire it, so all is forgiven.

 I'd also recommend picking up Metro 2033, but maybe the redux on PS4 since it's a bit demanding on PC. Goddamn that game is atmosphere incarnate, and just a really solid little survival horror shooter.

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