They were kicking at a boxing game... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
They were kicking at a boxing game... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Volume #1 in case our readers want to know more:
They're apparently 2 separate games. Although from the trailer you would think they aren't.
I have to say that the Phantom Pain footage looked like something running off a PS4/x720, even if they announced it for PS3/x360.
Yeah I noticed. It must have been from their presence at PAX East.
"Etrian Odyssey IV's Battle Theme Goes with Everything" including pr0n.
I don't know. Most media outlets have covered it (Kotaku hasn't I think), maybe Yacht Club Games should come out and say "Want a DuckTales game that isn't a DuckTales game? Shovel Knight to the rescuuuuuuuuuue".
17 days to go, and less than 17K needed... I'm not seeing it happen. It needs more media exposure.
Neat. Almost sang along... kind of sounded like BrentalFloss was singing it, or at least wished it was.