I don't know that I "love" this game. I think I honestly barely like. Gameplay is fine, but boring. Once I got the Pixelizer or whatever it's called I never felt the need to change weapons. The upgrade system isn't as good as 3's either - it's more along the lines of 2's. And... Idk. I feel no real desire to finish it.
It's a remake in the worst sense of the word. It's more polished - sure. But a lot of the heart is absent. The game makes me cringe more than it makes me laugh. Ratchet and Clank at times swap personality traits to what they had in the original, and there is literally no character arc to speak of. Come to think of it, there's barely a fucking story arc. Did they just gut the story because it's in the movie?
I know, gameplay comes first, and gameplay is decent fun. I like that it's basically baby's first bullet hell, and the weapons are fun... but it's barely a Ratchet and Clank game at heart.