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SanAndreas's Comments - Page 78

Nothing But NES

Posted on 05/17/2020 at 10:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Even though Sir-Tech went bust shortly after Wizardry 8 released, Japan is keeping the series alive. There was a Wizardry game released on PS3 and Steam a whole back.

Bottomless Pit - Kid Icarus

Posted on 05/17/2020 at 10:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I enjoyed it, flaws and all. It gets much easier once you clear the first boss. I was into Greek mythology at the time so I dug it even though it played fast and loose with Greek mythology (a more recent favorite, Valkyrie Profile, does the same thing with the Norse myths). The instruction manual showed a female enemy character with bare boobs, which somehow never created an outcry.

Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters on Game Boy is a genuinely great game. They did away with the cheap falling and improved on the original in every way except ehe lack of color. Surprisingly, despite being Japanese-made it was US-exclusive until it was released on the 3DS. It made me wish Nintendo had made a Super Kid Icarus or a Kid Icarus 64.

Retro Review: Phantasy Star IV

Posted on 05/16/2020 at 05:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Not quite on par with Final Fantasy VI, but still a well-done game with a lot of style. Sadly, I've never finished it. However, my favorite RPGs on the Genesis were Lunar: Silver Star and Lunar: Eternal Blue on the Sega CD. Those were the best RPGs ever made for Sega consolse.

Sega's actually done pretty good as an RPG company. Valkyria Chronicles is still one of my favorite SRPGs of all time, Sakura Wars was a precursor for both VC and Skies of Arcadia, and of course Sega now owns the SMT/Persona franchise when they bought Atlus. I wish they'd get busy with SMT V on Switch.

Nothing But NES

Posted on 05/16/2020 at 01:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I had a Gamecube and GB Player, but they got stolen. :( I'd really like to play Mother 3 on my TV.

I never played Wizardry on NES. Instead I played its rival series, Ultima, specificaly Ultima: Exodus which was a NES port of the third game.

Zombie Mania - Left 4 Dead

Posted on 05/14/2020 at 05:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hard to believe this game is 12 years old. Seems like an eternity ago while also somehow seeming like it was yesterday. Does that sound weird?

Change of Plans

Posted on 05/13/2020 at 05:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Graphics aren't the be-all and end-all they used to be, either. We've reached a point where artistry counts for as much as engineering, and a lot of games, even on PC, don't really stress an integrated graphics chip, let alone a high-end graphics card. Switch is my primary gaming system these days. 

I thought about building a gaming PC. Then I thought that most of the games I might play on it were games I could play on PS4 or even Switch anyway, only without a lot of stuff that won't be coming to PC. And again, as far as everything else I need a computer for, my Mac blows away every Windows PC I've ever owned, and my Mac isn't even the latest model.

Loot Box Reviews!

Posted on 05/13/2020 at 02:28 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Looks like the Loot Crate fad fizzled out.

Change of Plans

Posted on 05/13/2020 at 02:27 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I switched over to Mac last year. I don't care if I never see Windows again, LOL. I prefer gaming on consoles anyway, so I don't care that tne Mac doesn't support a lot of games.

Loot Box Reviews!

Posted on 05/10/2020 at 04:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't care for touch screen gaming in general. Gotta have an actual controller or at least a physical keyboard.

Episode 175: The Pursuit of Musical Happyness

Posted on 05/08/2020 at 04:34 PM | Filed Under Feature

It still exists. But yeah, I remember getting my personal pan pizzas from Book-It.

Unfortunately, I didn't get as many as a lot of my classmates did, for the reason that I was reading adult books by that time which were more than 200 pages in length and had a lot more text per page than books for ten year olds.  My mom told me my teacher had told her during a parent-teacher conference that I wasn't reading as many books as they thought I should be reading. My mom brought in the books I was reading at the time, which happened to be Douglas Adams's Hitchhiker "trilogy" (which had four books by then). My reading was never questioned again, LOL. My teacher actually started crediting me one book for every 150 pages I read.

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