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Machocruz's Comments - Page 78

Impressions on Tombraider,POE,and FF Duodecim!

Posted on 12/04/2013 at 05:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Tomb Raider never had old school difficulty, and it certainly wasn't twitch. I'm talking about sensation. The sense of vertigo, of being on the razor's edge. Like standing on the edge of a tall skyscraper -it's not difficult to do, but it feels dangerous. Obviously we differ on whether the new game accomplished this, but that's what the name Tomb Raider evokes to me. Just saying.

Impressions on Tombraider,POE,and FF Duodecim!

Posted on 12/04/2013 at 05:13 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Tomb Raider's immersion factor was compromised when I noticed that the game corrects your jumps for you. I mean, if we're judging immersion by how realistic or non gamey a game is, no games pass because of the various menus, pop ups, glowing objects, etc. that you'll find in every game.  I judge immersion by how involving a game is. A seriously gamey game like Alpha Centauri is more immersive than any FPS realism simply because it requires more concentration and overall mental involvement.   Seems Newmb Raider is pretty involving for you even though it is as gamey as the originals, just in different ways. They did a good job on the environmental effects and lighting.

But back to that platforming: problem isn't that it doesn't exist, problem is that there is no sense of danger or defying death. The original TR was Prince of Persia in 3D (before there was an actual 3D PoP). It was about timing and concentration. I never heard anyone complain about the old games being too difficult, so I have no idea why they didn't maintain the, imo, more interesting level layouts and intense spelunking of Anniversary. 

Oh well. Not a bad game, just a missed opportunity in some areas. Not as bad as the Thief reboot is looking to be. I hope that game tanks. 

Ben's purchases! Gamez into the veinz!

Posted on 11/29/2013 at 02:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Ah, the smell of new video game purchases. I'm thinking about going out and getting Dark Arisen and a Steam card for Killing Floor, Mass Effect 2, FTL or Brave New World expansion for Civ 5 if they go on sale this weekend. Too many choices, so little time on Earth.

And we're about the same age Ben, so don't sweat it. I can still probably run laps around most of the younger people here :D

Why Ace Attorney Works and Beyond Does Not

Posted on 11/27/2013 at 10:30 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't played either of these, but it seems to me that Pheonix Wright provides some kind of intellectual engagement and Beyond does not. One is a story about 'big ideas' the other actually requires you to think about what you are doing. It's like comparing a film about science to participating in scientific process yourself. No matter how simple the science project, it still requires more active thought than watching the film. Video games don't have to be hard, they just have to actively involve the player. Looks like Pheonix does this significantly better than Beyond.

Hetero CIS male emerges!

Posted on 11/25/2013 at 12:29 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The peasantry have always hated those in power. In this era, it's the straight white man. That the internet gives peasants a loud voice doesn't mean they're still not peasants. (No offense to actual peasants who struggle for their daily bread).

Fuck Assassin's Creed IV

Posted on 11/24/2013 at 12:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Should have let Sid Meier work on this, beef up the game mechanics, turn it into unofficial Pirates! game.

Why Playstation 4 Will Lose 8th Gen

Posted on 11/22/2013 at 07:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Geez, I'm getting thick. Thanks. Yeah, it's funny how that has worked out so far.

Why Playstation 4 Will Lose 8th Gen

Posted on 11/22/2013 at 03:55 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Then you can explain it to me. Right over my head. 

Retro ranting: Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles

Posted on 11/21/2013 at 10:14 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Man, think about how about how long it took for Rondo of Blood to officially arrive in the States. It was one of those games known for having high asking prices on Ebay, one of the first to go for $100+ , I believe.

I'm not crazy about the remake version. The 3D/2.5D doesn't look good to me -too cluttered, dull- and I don't like the altered, more fashion-conscious Richter. The 2D original looks sharper and cleaner to me; more appealing, more readable. Thank God they packed that in the Chronicles edition.

PS4 Sells 1 Million Units in NA in Just 24 Hours

Posted on 11/20/2013 at 03:18 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Maybe, maybe not. 1 million launch consoles is no indication either way. Let's just say that's not the hard part. This is a marathon, not a sprint. We still don't know what the actual demand level is among the mass market, you know, the people that get you to PS2 numbers, which is what all these companies want. We won't know for months or a couple of years.

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