Thanks!! You should definitely look into buying Dark Souls. It's a great game and a wonderful experience!
Thanks!! You should definitely look into buying Dark Souls. It's a great game and a wonderful experience!
What the hell did I just watch?
It reminds me of the Macho Man Randy Savage mod they had out a long time ago!
I keep seeing posts about this game.. I think it's about time I bought it already..
He was a fun boss too! He always gave me a bit of trouble though in the later levels whenever you had to fight 2 Abobo's at once though (Dual Boss ftw!). Once i learned to spam the Jump Kick though, it was a cake-walk
Wasn't Dark Samus in Prime 3? I'm not too familiar with the Prime games.. I guess I'll be adding those to the backlog of purchases as well! lol
I was in a debate of either using Dual Bosses or Changing Bosses (Multi-staged) as my number 3. Ultimately though, I thought Dual Bosses were cooler than Changlings simply because the fights were more epic and less drawn out.
Dark Link in Ocarina of Time is probably one of my favorite bosses. The only downside to him was that he was a little too easy to beat (Megaton Hammer for the win!) and he was only a mini-boss. Either way though, he was awesome!
I know.... But it'll be worth the wait!
Well it's good to know you didn't die out on me! I've been wondering where you've been for the past couple of weeks!
Sounds busy and hectic, but at least you've been able to spend quality time with Cory! Hopefully everything works out and the apartment you like has an opening. Fingers crossed!!
I saw a pic on Reddit the other day stating that the $50 yearly fee leads to $300 in free games.. I thought about it a bit then I realized what I've been missing out on. Dammit!
I'll probably pick up a subscription here in the near future!