This game sounds pretty interesting and the cover artwork is awesome! I just looked it up on Amazon though and the cheapest one they got is like $90 lol. I guess it was rare or something?
This game sounds pretty interesting and the cover artwork is awesome! I just looked it up on Amazon though and the cheapest one they got is like $90 lol. I guess it was rare or something?
ARGHHHHHH!!!! I'm sorry to hear that man. It didn't even last a year after being repaired?! I feel bad about my comment on your other blog now. At least you still got your PS3 and Wii though.
I'm sorry for your loss Tami. First Cary's grandma and now this. This kind of music really isn't my style, but I can definitely understand how music could bring people together. I'd probably go insane if I didn't have my 80's metal lol.
It's too bad you couldn't smoke a cig to detect those laser beams. I remember the first time I figured that out in MGS. That was such a neat touch and it kinda blew my mind. This game looks like it would be fun. I played the first Metal Gear on NES but never the MSX one. I heard that it's a lot better.
I had bought Rogue Squadron a while back, but after Rogue Leader on Gamecube I just couldn't get into it. I played the crap out of Warcraft II back in the day and still play the third one every once in a while. Nice list man. I've played all of these except for Pokemon Snap.
I had wrote a blog about this very subject way back when on 1up. I think I ranked Chun Li at number one. I also really like Orchid from Killer Instinct and Samus of course. Who doesn't love Samus?
This movie looks awesome! I'm gonna have to track it down somehow.
Burritos, new games, and boobs sounds like a good time lol. I'm curious to see what you think about RE 5 since I know how you feel about the newer games in that series. I thought it was pretty good.
I think your images are too big GH. Try making them smaller. If they are too big it pushes the text to the right.
Nice song Philip. I never played KH II. I did play the first one a little bit, but I couldn't really get into it. I don't remember why.