That story is not for E10+ but I'm sure that can hidden from ESRB! I heard the only thing ESRB does in their screening process is ask for clips of a game's most offensive material.
That story is not for E10+ but I'm sure that can hidden from ESRB! I heard the only thing ESRB does in their screening process is ask for clips of a game's most offensive material.
I'm always up for a new PSP game. Star Ocean were always games I wanted to try and $5 sounds like an instant buy. I checked ebay and most of them seem to be $15 right now. The sequel is about double that. Some day I will probably jump on it though.
I like chessy CGI action-movies, provided I watch them in the theatre. Once they hit DVD the magic is gone and I usually can't make it through them.
Not a lot of opportunities to mention this so I'll give it a go. I've always had a thing for Yuna, at least the version of her from X-2. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the skimpy clothing. Catherine from uh... the game Catherine is another good one. As is Kaine from Nier. I'd also mention 15 year-old Talim from Soul Calibur 2 as a past crush, but I was like 14 at the time so that is completely fair game!
I have to doubt that Sleeping Dogs and Hitman: Absolution account for their 100 million+ loss. It must be thw expensive development on FFXIV and Dragon Quest X, the latter of which I doubt was successful enough to see a profit (at least, not yet). It just seems like Square was trying to brush their own development problems under the rug and blame it on the US studios.
Might I suggest Greenman Gold and GreenmanPlus memberships to appease the console fanboys? They have money too!
Hmm, I guess you could say despite how far some claim gamers and gaming culture is promoting misogyny, we are a flight of stairs above Khalid Walid!
I believe I played the original Bloody Roar on Playstation and I liked it. It wasn't the greatest thing ever, but better than the middling reviews it got. And I thought it was better than Tekken 3 which I believe got perfect from both EGM and OPM!
LttP would be an awesome game to get with the system. Mine was Killer Instinct which unsurprisingly I played the crap out of.
Yeah, putting FFVII at the top was hard. Even though it is one of my top three games overall, Chrono Cross, Legend of Dragoon, and FFT are also great titles worthy of love.
I loved Halo 2, but it was a little disappointing for me. I had way too high expectations after the first game and the ridiculous hype train that one came in on!
Yeah, I want the HD collection. I suppose there's no harm in waiting though as I have lasted ten years by now!