Looks sweet, might have to give it a go.
Looks sweet, might have to give it a go.
Jesus has it been that long since it was announced?
This isn't Casey's messages :p
More than likely.
1 is meh. 2 is one of the best games ever. 3 looks like it is going to be a strong contender for best game ever until the halfway mark where it - to quote tropic thunder - "goes full retard."
I actually really got into 3's multiplayer. I think the climbing and platforming added a lot to it honestly. Made it more chaotic/strategic.
I'd still recommend 3, it just goes stupid at points. Plus, the game gets obnoxiously difficult for no reason and there's no way you can predict your deaths half the time.
I have not seen this blue candy, but it sounds a bit daft. I'm also hoping there's actually some colour to the game, because if the entire game looks like it did in the footage I saw I'm going to have a migraine.
Wow, that doom thing is pretty shit. I was an idiot and traded Wolfenstein: The New Order in when my playstation 4 broke so I missed out on the beta as well. You really don't have luck Beta's though do you?
And Eh. Uncharted is liked by a lot of people, so I'm probably the weird one. I just think 1 is nothing special and 3's plot is all over the place, not to mention it's ridiculously difficult at points for no good reason.
Right? I just want some old school, fast paced, adrenaline pumping shooters where shit explodes constantly. I mean, I like modern shooters too, but we've bloody well had enough of those for one lifetime.
They are amazing. Have you watched this yet:
It's got me pretty psyched. And a film would be cool, but I think a film of Bloodborne would be cooler. I just want to seem some action scenes with those weapons and clothes and gore and omg it would be amazing!