Did you catch any of the Dropkick Murphys livestream? It was good but not the same with no audience ...
Anyway, I'm probably too close to the screen.
Did you catch any of the Dropkick Murphys livestream? It was good but not the same with no audience ...
Anyway, I'm probably too close to the screen.
I'm trying to make the best of suddenly being an online instructor, but I'm nervous about how all this will carry over.
Death Stranding, Yakuza 5, and several go-tos like Bayonetta, DmC, and Kink Knight DLC. Also got Sonic Heroes free recently.
Yes, and he closed with that. lol
And don't praise me too hard, as what I've done this half week is "here's a discussion thread and a quiz, we'll do actual online instruction next week when everyone's out of wtf is this mode?" for two of my classes and the other two were already built online so I just copied some modules over. Gonna take it week-by-week from here and have a lot more content to show for it, but that's where we're at now.
I'm still waiting for IT to tell me if my photo students will get Adobe stuff free and thinking of an alternate assignment for those who won't be able to run it anyway.
As always, most of my work will probably get done over the weekend. Wondering what folks who teach labs like in chemistry and geology are going to do. I can tell my photo students "ok fine, use your phones" but I don't think you can do similar for mixing acids and bases.
Yeah, it's a weird position for everyone and obviously bad for the economy in general.
Yeah, I was really expecting that to get reversed by the end.
Red Dead Redemption 2 definitely makes my PS4 sound like a jet plane. Horizon not so much. I'll find out what Death Stranding does whenever GameFly gives me my copy.
As someone who's edited a lot of audio, the witchcraft of old was just noticing which wave forms look like coughs, stutters, clicks, etc. and just deleting those assuming there's enough space between them and what you actually want. But I guess that button is cool too. And yes, I realize my very technical difficulties experiences when I'm on this show make me look like someone who edits no audio, but I'm just used to recording locally so there.
What was the moment of silence music? Anyway, thanks for the distraction while I work on part-time stuff.
I didn't realize ED was part of that E3. What an unfortunate yet fitting abbreviation that game has. ED really is sanity's requiem.
Oddly enough, I have never listened to Giant Bomb Cast.
I too would like to hear about the consoles. $599.99 sounds expensive to me ... but my phone is old as shit ... hmm ...
Anyway, my favorite E3s were the one with Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, and Mario Sunshine all at the same convention and all the different EGM covers and the PlayStation one where Horizon and a bunch of other stuff was announced.
I'll listen to the other half of this podcast later.