thats how it always works. you dont start thinking about playing certain games till the system of choice is gone. had that same issue when my 360 went last year.
thats how it always works. you dont start thinking about playing certain games till the system of choice is gone. had that same issue when my 360 went last year.
how do you remember this far back! I hardly rememeber graphic detail of when I was 10. 5 is one thing but 10? and with what you were playing then? wow.
I got my 20 stocked fuel in Ace Combat Infinity so I'll be activating a merc contract to get a 24 hr pay boost during that flight time. the game is offering another active challenge for a swept back wing AFX fighter with ridgeback markings but I have to be amng the first 200 players in the global ranksings to get it. if not Ill just get some credits and upgrade my current jets. after that ill try some of my octoberween game picks for this year and try out the free 2 play game of Defiane.
no fret. they just announced the "new" 3DS. It wont be for awhile though.
No where near. i'm way behind with both of these game series. I hope to rectify this since I now have a 3DS but it might be awhile is Octoberween slowly approaching...
I know right! It doesn't make sense that zombies can run now. It all started with that stupid "rage zombie" craze to justify them being more quicker thus dealier. I've even heard of people justifying this that the virus super charges the zombies thus making them able to run. They can do all they want to justify the removeal of riger mortis but it still doesn't make much sense. World War Z was the worst with the " flowing sea" of the undead.
Of course games like Left 4 Dead and Dead Island didn't help.
Give me classics zombies. Oddly that makes more sense than the rage zombies of now.
nice to finish off with the unofficial end of summer with some retro goodness. It's offifical though, you are definiately retro gamer.
I thank the rock I live under that I missed what you speak of. But I think I might have an idea of what's been going on from reading up on Ben's blog. I hope I'm wrong becasue for that situation to have come to this. Yikes. This is getting out of hand.
Is that normal for that game you think? Congrats on the latest beat down you've given to a game!
I never understood zombies runs myself. I'm too use to the old standard of zombies not being able to run. We do have zombie walks around here but I've never attended one.
With that being said, I've always wanted to dress up as a zombie and invade a 2K run around here. It would be hilarious but I might end up in jail. Again.