Cold indeed. It's going good, Step. I've got stuff lined up already. I'm not able to sit and be idle with it, on account of having a family and all. Thanks buddy!
Cold indeed. It's going good, Step. I've got stuff lined up already. I'm not able to sit and be idle with it, on account of having a family and all. Thanks buddy!
It wasn't a workplace injury, so they had no real obligation to keep me hired.
Phew, I'm glad I'm not the only smoker here.
You're right, not a really addictive substance. I've been smoking for too many consecutive years. Time for a nice long break.
I guess I should've seen this coming from my former workplace. Ahh least I ended up with a good skillset from being there.
all good buys....but IMHO you spent 73 cents too much on Hydrophobia =)
i used to play LOTRO a couple years after it came out. Not too shabby.
lol/ Nothing at all wrong with the first game. I actually feel it's better than Dark Souls 2.
The Lord Of Cinder music is the best boss fight song ive ever heard
Im right there with them. I loved 2, was my favorite game for a long time
I get psn mails from Dark Souls heads here and there...especially when helping people kill phantoms trolling in Darkroot. A little bit of good vibes goes a long way
Good deal, Mart. Positively positivism