I hate those kind of jobs that look down on you when they expect you to violate saftey requirements just so you can do your job like a good little underling. I was just (kinda) threatned with termination just now for refusing to drive in a delivery truck that reeked of cigarette smoke. We are suppose to have a smoke free policy here and I"m being threated with termination because my workplace is unhealthy?
Seems like the only way to tend to such issues it to go to court it would seem.
not much gaming for me this weekend. I'm spending that time with teh wife. Even though we went on vacation it felt like we didn't spend enough time with eachtother. Sure I'll get in some Ace Combat Infinity and possible my Pac off challegend with a pixlbitter here butr that's about it.
Feeding on: pizza with undercooked sausage. I'm regretting it even as we speak.