Normally from what I've come to see, anyone who typically invades is well prepared. It's very rarely I ever beat anyone as well in a 'fair fight', but there have been a few instances
Normally from what I've come to see, anyone who typically invades is well prepared. It's very rarely I ever beat anyone as well in a 'fair fight', but there have been a few instances
Oh man! You need to get on that! It's too good to pass up!
I don't know if someone from Pixl invaded me last night, but I had no idea it happened and I walked through a fog door and booted 'em out. D'oh!
I caught the three hearts in the screen shot and I was wondering about who was playing it at end game with no power ups. lol
People take gaming to ridiculous levels sometimes, and I love it!
I remember playing this a while ago. My biggest (And only) gripe was the driving sequences. They just didn't control very well in my opinion, and I struggled long enough that I simply lost interest in the game whenever I was only a measly hour or two into the game. Even after I beat the driving segment, I was scared to go onward not because of the monsters, but for fear of encountering another driving sequence. lol
Thanks, ass-hat!
I don't mind having my hand held if I've been stuck on something and died over and over again.
Let me use Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge to explain my thought process. I was stuck on Day 2 for quite a while. There's a mini-boss involving a Helicopter shooting missiles are you through the side of a building while enemies are attacking you simaltaniously. The entire time I was just jamming the Left Trigger to dodge while taking crack-shots at the Helicopter. After 5-10 deaths, it would've been nice of them to tell me I could shoot my bow WHILE jumping through the air.. Instead they offered to bump me down to easy mode in which I responded with a polite fuck you I quit.
I suppose my example isn't exactly hand holding, but I think I made my point in what I like in terms of 'assistance'.
Beat Day 2 on Saturday though
I tried listening to the entire album that you posted without bias, but I just can't listen to it without thinking this is Distubed 2.0. I dig it though, but it just sounds like Disturbed's sound was copy/pasted. Even the guitar/drums have a Disturbed sound to them in my opinion. Either way though, it's good stuff.
Side note: Did you see Chester Bennington (Singer of Linkin Park) is now the frontman of Stone Temple Pilots?! How crazy is that?
I'm pretty excited as well.
More-so, I'm just excited to have truth over rumors. I think that's going to be the best part! Are we going to get stuck with Always-Online? Will it have Blu-Ray? Are all consoles going to be bundled with Kinect 2.0? Will the Kinect have to be connected in order to play?
Granted, I'm sure there will be plenty of questions gone unanswered, but some answers are better than none.
Super Meatboy.
Short yet tough levels make it easy to find a stopping point by either beating a level or rage-quitting.