I almost fell for that too. I was like "What the hell?!?!"
I almost fell for that too. I was like "What the hell?!?!"
People are pretty sensitive. You're obviously dealing with complex subject matter. I say, go with your gut.
I know I haven't finished your game yet. I will soon, I've just been distracted. I'm going to make a concerted effort soon. I support you though in what you're doing without a doubt, I'm just a procrastinator.
yes, but can you strip and clean a chainsaw while blindfolded and zombies are beating down the door??????
yeah you're right about Sonic. That's what I enjoyed about them too, since I like platformers. That's kind of been missing since they went 3D, good platforming.
that fight is pretty tough, u just have to be patient at certain points. Stupid QTE's
Its definitely one of the stars of the lineup
see, I'm terrible at mechanical stuff like cars and other engineering marvels but I'm usually okay with tech stuff. I can usually figure out how to use it. But today I struggled with some equipment until I finally went online and found out the two pieces I wanted to connect are strangely incompatible. Ruins my whole week, to be honest, if not the month. I'm going to have to go in a completely different direction now in what i need to do what i want to do musically. Oh well, that's life!
this is kind of a weird game. I remember playing it on arcade and on my SMS. I never got very far... it was tough for me. But I always had this feeling for its mystique.
I eventually played Revenge of Shinobi and the others like a maniac.
I love Marley, but I'm always afraid to listen to him because I think other people might think I'm getting stoned. But his music is timeless and beautiful.
I finished Graces, but just got to the end of Symphonia and Vesperia. I loved Vesperia. I really need to get back into Xillia though.