did you ever play ff x when it was on ps2 by chance? I didn't...and I wasn't able to get into it at all. Good battle system though for sure.
did you ever play ff x when it was on ps2 by chance? I didn't...and I wasn't able to get into it at all. Good battle system though for sure.
once you get rolling with it, give it a couple hours tops, you'll get sucked right in
it's going to have to be really good. From has set the bar for themselves extremely high as far as third person combat games go imho
It was revealed as Bloodborne. Looks pretty effin cool if you ask me!
i thought all the White Knight servers went offline? It's an online game right? I read somewhere about them going offline, though I could've possibly mistaken this with another titlle. That's what made me never check them out. If they're still going though I'm fully down to try this out
nah...I went to SDCC for a bit, trying to get into State out there. I'm Theta Chi from CSU Bakersfield, so they let me live in the House (the two story with the sand volleyball pit, before they tore it down) for a year...I wasn't ever able to get into State though.
Partied for DAYS though while I was out there. Everything is better in San Diego.
Project Beast is absolutely the only thing about this E3 that interests me.
I say they rename The Last Of Us 2 to The Lastest Of Us
look at this slick pimp....all the Ateliers in one spot. Good job Lee....and congrats on your son's graduation!!!!
"Thankfully, there's more to Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure other than simply gardening and accessorizing."