I hear that's a great find! I hope you enjoy your purchase :-)
I hear that's a great find! I hope you enjoy your purchase :-)
What's up Matt? Yeah, I've been a ghost around here lately. But I'm not throwing in the towel yet. Too suborn to do it really. Right now I'm just pacing myself, waiting for the inevitable moment when I post another blog.
This is the first time in a new console generation that I'm not eager to pickup any of the new hardware out there. I do know that, so far, my first pick is probably going to be the PS4. I'm just not motivated to get one yet. I think part of me is also waiting for reviews of the Xbox One to trickle in this week too.
Nice article. I too am a Nintendo fan. Been one since the NES and to usually trust their decision-making. But this is plain ridiculous and kinda stupid. Nintendo is taking the unnecessary risk of alienating well-meaning producers and the gamers that watch their "Let's Plays". Personally I think it's greed that's taken hold of many a game developers out there ever since people became smart enought to produce good quality YouTube show without the involvment of a third-party benefactor.
Yeah, I was surprised to see that Mirror's Edge was back on the map with a sequel. I enjoyed the first game and am looking forward to this one!
Hey man, I wouldn't worry reviewing at this point. Just enjoy playing Final Fantsy V and whatever else you want to get to. Sometimes it's just better give your mind a break from analyzing a game for the sake of writing. Enjoy your play through!
Tiny Tina, huh? I haven't heard of that game, but I should probably check it out.
Oh boo hoo...This guy at MS needs to suck it up and stop treating the gaming community as if we don't know what's good for us. I was laughing by the time I reached the end of his sob story. Their family shared plan was a joke.
I'm fairly excited for the PS4. I'll still probably wait until at least mid-2014 before getting the console. I wanna see what tech bugs need to get worked out first.
I'm totally ignoring the Xbox One for now. I pissed at microsoft for actually thinking that it would be a good idea to kill used game sales (or make it as awful as possible).
I sadly admit that I totally fell for the Silver Surfer bit. I wanted to believe, LOL!