And a totally original idea, too.
And a totally original idea, too.
Aw man, I was hoping that DuckTales 3 would be al least halfway believeable. I'm losing my touch (not that I ever had it).
Me too, buddy, me too. The first Tron Bonne game was my Game of the Year for whatever year it was released (I think 2000).
Awww, don't "cy," whatever that is. :)
Really? All the way through my blog even? :)
Hey I think there's a better chance they'd do Pocket Fighter 2 over my new Resident Evil game. :)
That's the second mention of Dragon's Dogma on these comments. What's up with that game?
Dang it! How I can fool you if you expect it? :)
I just realized something. "MM: PU" does not have the best abbreviation initials in the world, does it?
I don't think you'd want me working on a Dragons Dogma game. Trust me.