Ah, to be sixteen again... That was a awesome B-Day Party Lee.
I am glad they go you fixed up. I know all to well about heart stuff.
I completely agree. I mean Ys was a nice surprise but other than that... I think maybe the best games that are on the system are Gravity Rush , Resistance Burning Skies ( even though RBS was really short), The Walking Dead W/400days ( Even thought it is a port ) and Ys. I like Unit 13 and other games I played but they really have not tried.
I love my Vita, but unless they step up the game support it will die. The graphics are awesome on it and for its size it is very lite.
For real. I will post a pic for you later.
I say this, if they show me a great leap in the graphics then what is out now now, then I may reconsider next gen. I want to see a leap like from the PSP to the Vita. That is what I would call a step forward. Also, thanks.
I have this game complete and in box.
Is Blackgate to short? I want to play it.
Thanks Peter. I know there was not a lot of games for it, but it did give us Perfect Dark and 007 Goldeneye.