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Marketing 101: Nintendo

The console wars are underway! How has Nintendo handled them in the past?

If the Wii was a perfect example of a company reaching out to a specific demographic and capturing it effortlessly, Nintendo’s next big console might be the exact opposite of that, at least so far.

      Nintendo's Satoru Iwata showing off the Wii U console. This should have happened much earlier in the campaign.

Rumors hit the internet a few months before E3 2011 that Nintendo would be unveiling their next console, codenamed Project Café. When the system was displayed for the first time, it was met with confusion. During the E3 press conference the only thing expressly shown was the controller, a tablet-based device called the GamePad. The hardware wasn’t shown in detail, and it was unclear at first if this was a new console, or a new controller for the existing Wii.

Even the official announcement of the machine at E3 2012, called the Wii U, was met with head scratching. With the similar name and the HD graphics, many people were still unclear as to whether the GamePad was something that could work with the original Wii or if it was indeed an entirely new machine. Even the initial television ads didn’t communicate what exactly the Wii U was, and the controller situation was far more complex than the Wii, with some games utilizing the GamePad while others still used the older Wii Remote and Nunchuk setup.

         That's a lot of Wii Remotes. Is it any wonder that many consumers were confused about the Wii U?

This caused Nintendo to take a more direct approach in the UK, blatantly stating that the Wii U was a new console. While the system is still in its infancy and has yet to crank out the big games that have sold Nintendo hardware in the past, the beginning of the Wii U has been shaky due to poor handling of the message.

                                                                                  There, that's better!

Even with a rocky start, history shows that it’s wise to never count Nintendo out. All it takes is a few choice titles to turn around the fortunes of the system. While it may end up being more of a GameCube than a Wii, the future is still very bright for the house that Mario built. Stay tuned, as we take a look at how Sony chooses its battles.

                               All the Wii U needs are some big games, and they're on the way soon.



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11/06/2013 at 04:36 PM

The GC is the last Nintendo concole I really enjoyed.  Almost every Wii game I've played has been lacking.  I'm not even interested in the Wii U games, except for Bayonetta 2.  Good thing for Nintendo they can do right on handhelds.  Let's hope they don't ever screw that up. 

Julian Titus Senior Editor

11/12/2013 at 12:09 AM

As a fan and a retailer, the GameCube was the last system I really pushed before I realized that Nintendo was content to stay a step behind (and really, they always had with the exception of the SNES). As much fun as I had with the little cube, it was clear to me at that point that I was going in a different direction with my gaming tastes.


11/06/2013 at 06:39 PM

Nintendo lost my exclusive loyalty during the PSone era, but I still remained a strong Nintendo advocate until, perhaps ironically, the Wii started dominating the competition. In my eyes, the truly revolutionary titles were happening on the other consoles, and I eventually broke down and bought a 360 (the Wii was actually my first "next-gen" system). And then a PS3 (which is now my favorite of the three).

That said, I still look forward to newest Mario games, and hope to one day see a brand new F-Zero, Star Fox, 2-D Metroid, and the like. But I also think that's the Big N's biggest problem these days--the company now lives in the past, basking in the safe nostalgia of its core franchises. But that's not the visionary company I remember growing up with.


11/10/2013 at 07:06 AM

Great article. Its easy to see from the evolution of gaming ads that Nintendo has lost its way. I don't think the company knows who its aiming its products at anymore. The biggest mistake was naming the console "Wii U". This has totally confused those who dipped there toe into the Wii and retailers who bundle both Wii and Wii U on the same shelf. I bought a Wii U (I buy every console) but have found that I only use it in bed as a tablet for internet browsing and the occassional game of donkey kong. Mario 3D and Mario Kart may change this but I've played the like before on N64, Gamecube etc. Nintendo is in desperate need of new blood.

Julian Titus Senior Editor

11/12/2013 at 12:10 AM

Even someone like me that follows this stuff very carefully was confused with the Wii U. Even the second E3 presentation had me questioning if it was a new console or an add-on.


11/10/2013 at 09:01 PM

Really good article. I thought it was fascinating watching the very first N64 tv commercial, there's some weird foreshadowing to what's happening in gaming now, especially with Kinect. When you watch how Nintendo did the effects in that commercial and that kid is actually in the game and jumping around with Mario it looks just like what you see in Kinect games all these years later. That old Nintendo commercial has literally come to life through motion gaming we see in Kinect, Wii, Move, etc.

building blocks

11/13/2013 at 04:35 AM

What do you guys think it is about Nintendo's approach to game design and creating characters that is so unique? how do they keep such a reliable market niche, and hold people's interest?

Justin Matkowski Staff Alumnus

11/18/2013 at 10:13 PM

Awesome article Julian! I agree with what you and others have said here - the Wii U branding has certainly left many scratching their heads. Perhaps they were going for a Nintendo --> Super Nintendo approach, but it lacks anything of the distinction considering the name and look of the console (aside from the tablet add-on) is basically the same. 

It feels like they are playing so safe that they even went with an overly conservative branding of the console! It leaves me a little befuddled, considering the fact that when Nintendo gets particularly creative and ballsy with it's IP and systems (Super Mario Galaxy, the DS, the Kirby franchise, having the SNES as an add-on free console with the chips of games holding additional tech etc) they have a fantastic success rate.

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