These types of awards are always fun. Surprised Uncharted 3 didn't win best graphics (though I played BF3 on PS3). Would have picked either Rayman or Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet for art direction. I agree with a lot of these picks though.
PixlBit's 2011 Supplemental Awards
Just when you thought awards season was over...
Winner – Battlefield 3
The utilization of the Frostbite 2 engine works perfectly in rendering the playing field in a realistic visual hue. Night levels look like night, day time looks like day. It’s not uncommon that a game sets levels and sequences at different times of day; however, no game has done so with such a rich and authentic color palette as Battlefield 3. It's not uncommon to feel the need to squint your eyes at the sun's glare through the rifle scope. With its amazing photorealism, there's no question that Battlefield 3 featured this year's best graphics.
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