These types of awards are always fun. Surprised Uncharted 3 didn't win best graphics (though I played BF3 on PS3). Would have picked either Rayman or Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet for art direction. I agree with a lot of these picks though.
PixlBit's 2011 Supplemental Awards
Just when you thought awards season was over...
Winner – Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
One of the banner features of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is the dragons. You fight them, you are related to them and you are the only one in the entire world who isn’t afraid to fend them off. So, why have we been perfectly content to do a million other little things in the world of Skyrim that in no way involve a dragon? The answer is simple. There are so many other things to do and places to see that, even without the fire-breathing beasts chomping at your face, you feel compelled to keep delving back into the hyper-detailed realm of Skyrim.
A lot has been made of the game’s infinite quest logic, which creates quests that send you running off into areas you had explored less than others. This in turn leads you to discover new quests and new areas. It is not uncommon for players to pump hundreds of hours into an Elder Scrolls game, but Skyrim seems to have made this addiction a mainstream occurrence. Plenty of gamers plan to hold off on other games, avoid family gatherings, and even forgo sexy times to spend a few more hours crunching through the snow, searching for another grotto.
So, whether it’s pick-pocketing, hunting, alchemy, blacksmithing, exploring, lock picking, spell casting, or even dragon slaying, Skyrim has plenty of things that you should be doing right now. Those potions aren’t going to make themselves are they? And on your way to the alchemy station, why not stop over at that snow-covered cabin on the horizon and fight off those wolves on the way and pick those mushrooms under that rock and murder that traveler and throw his body in the river and…
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