On 07/22/2013 at 03:59 PM,
Damn you, RPGMAKER VX ACE & Dragon’s Dogma! Where did my time go? The bad news is all of you think I’m dead. The good news is I might actually have a working demo for my rpg soon. It will include the first two or three boss fights as well as the hospital, theatre, and police department as interactive locations.
As a warning here is what to expect
1. Plays like a classic “JRPG” complete with a first person turn based Dragon Warrior battle-system.
2. Read everything because the story is pretty dense. If you speed through the text windows you’ll miss a lot. However, if you can still enjoy playing the game without knowing the whole convoluted plot nonsense good for you!
3. Be warned this game delves into some pretty dark & sexual territory sometimes. Y’know, one of the benefits of not having to answer to a big publisher like EA or Activision. Aka no, I did not even try to create a game that caters to everyone all at once.
4. If you don’t like my attempt at an rpg, it’s cool! This is a decidedly old school game and I understand why some people might be offended by some of its’ content.