On 03/05/2013 at 11:41 PM,
Just letting you know March 6 1966 47 years ago Rodney made it to our wonderful world and at this Time Games were played outside, there were no cell phones or Ipads or gaming as we know it,Music was played on vynle records, telephones were dial only,8 track tapes were the new thing,Led Zeppelin,Pink floyd, Yes were the popular music and wow im freaking old, but still a kid at heart yes March 6 is my birthday and I turn 47 and just thought I would let you all know and wow things are different in a good way cause if gaming was around back then I would really be in trouble today lol but its good to have all of you in the gaming world for it does help to escape my 10:00 to 6:30 work days and have people to share my opinions and here yours about all of our hobbys video gaming