On 01/29/2015 at 08:56 PM,
So with my 30th birthday passing by I think I can safely say that I feel old, but then my backaches might be caused by sleeping oddly in bed. For my birthday I dined at a couple of restaurants with my folks, though we did a couple because one was off one with the other working that day and vice versa on the next. As for games I actually managed to get two (with 20 of the $25 from one of my aunts and uncles, plus a $10 from the folks, going to my eshop and the remaining $5 going to Steam): Shantae: The Pirates Curse and The Blackwell Legacy. As I have said in the edit of my last blog I couldn’t really beat Fire Emblem Awakening over the weekend because I would be going up against literally armies of game combatants, so I just booted up some games instead of forcing myself to win a lengthy war.