Highly interesting blog with some great points. You're right about the word being thrown about much like the word racist. It's a way of shutting down any chance of your being right in an argument. You will always be the bad guy,literally! I think women objectify men at times as well. I would use as an example the covers of most romance novels. Nothing wrong with it,that's just marketing to your core audience. I don't think any man finds it offensive. But what if dudes were into reading romance novels from the other perspective. And they had buxom young lasses having their way with men on the cover. I think some women would have an issue with that. When it comes to Japan and it's values I will say this. I love anime and manga. But some of it makes me feel guilty to even look at it. I feel so pervy it's unreal! Then I realize that grown men in Japan are into it. In a big way,too. I don't judge men who like hentai,I feel it's sort of silly to. Just not my thing. Like you said,just a bunch of pixels or lines. I do think it has an adverse effect on how those men interact with women,though.By the way,nice job on the drawing. You have some skills in that department.