I think the worst part of being a reviewer would probably be the fact that you would HAVE to play shitty games. I couldn't imagine being forced to play something such as Hannah Montana's Road Trip... ugh...
I think the worst part of being a reviewer would probably be the fact that you would HAVE to play shitty games. I couldn't imagine being forced to play something such as Hannah Montana's Road Trip... ugh...
I didn't know PS1's could die? I thought they were immortal!
I've had mine since launch, and it's still going strong despite playing countless RPGs for hours on end!
That's pretty cool. It reminds me slightly of one of the character from that movie 9 that came out a couple of years ago, however they were made of burlap opposed to your foam!
You mentioned how people thought it was a Monster Hunter Clone; but I saw the difference as soon as you mentioned the word Story. lol
I've been playing Monster Hunter 3 for weeks now and I can't figure out what's going on really other than to kill this and kill that, get money, upgrade, then kill this and that!
I will admit though, the one screen shot does look similar to Monster Hunter and its HUD!
Bulletwitch's final boss took me forever to beat. He was a cool fight though! Also, what's up with beating the game on the hardest difficulty for an achievement worth ONE POINT!? ugh!
I liked this generation a lot though. The innovations sucked (Kinect, Playstation Move, etc.), but we still got some great games and some leaps forward in gaming. It's been good.
Both Condemned games were good, it's just a shame that they've only made two of them in 7 years! Hopefully we'll see a third one coming around at some point.
Wow, you've been busy this month!
I too beat Bioshock this month as well, and I also managed to finish off Tomb Raider and Skyrim. That's about it on my completed list though
Did you get my hint? lol
Let me know how Iron Man 3 is! I really really want to see it, unfortunately Courtney got stuck working Friday night so I'll probably have to wait until next week now.. Bummer...
Oh Thank God!!
I needed this stuff so bad. Thanks Boner-Bot!
I think one of the hardest bosses I ever faced was probably Death in the original Castlevania. Those scythes were just so hard to avoid at times.
I also have to give props to Sephiroth in the Kingdom Hearts games. He was insane!