I played a little of the NES version of Shadowgate, didn't get very far though. Might have been due to me being seven or eight at the time and not having much patience,
I played a little of the NES version of Shadowgate, didn't get very far though. Might have been due to me being seven or eight at the time and not having much patience,
I just did a quick Google search, what a strange concept for a game (if it's the one your detailing). Bravely Default still has me in it's clutches, so I'll stay away from it so I don't get wrapped up in another game.
This game looks great, another one to add to my mental list of games to at least try out sometime.
I haven't had hot chocolate in a while, maybe that's just the thing I need today.
Even though I'm not watching the games, I'm impressed by the hard work and effort all the athletes gave in making it this far.
If I took the time to list my top-played songs, it'd mostly consist of stuff from The Protomen, Queens of the Stone Age, Arcade Fire and MGMT.
Friday the 13th VI served as my intro to Alice Cooper. I've seen all of them a bunch of times over, though I know they're not the best in terms of quality.
That looks like fun! Odd that it's single-player though, seems like it'd be a no-brainer to have a 2P mode.
Dealing with traffic's just one of the many reasons I don't really want to even learn how to drive.
Being sick sucks, hope you feel better soon.