that sounds like fun. I didn't know they did little cons like this, but I'm sort of out of it.
I guess this stuff is going on every where now, but I haven't been paying attention to see what kind of stuff like this goes on in Phoenix.
that sounds like fun. I didn't know they did little cons like this, but I'm sort of out of it.
I guess this stuff is going on every where now, but I haven't been paying attention to see what kind of stuff like this goes on in Phoenix.
ha ha, that dang thing WAS like a Whopper!
I'm hoping MS changes their stance on indie games, because that's the future of the industry, and keeps the rest of the industry slightly honest.
I'll get an Xbox eventually, just not any time soon. I might not forgive MS or forget, but I go where the games go.
I've read all six Dune books. They are difficult sometimes, but worth it, if you like that sort of thing. I love Dune.
I'm REALLY excited about Oculus Rift. IT's like all my childhood dreams come true.
yeah the problem is they aren't really building assymetrical games. Assymetrical gameplay in Watch Dogs and the Division looks exciting, but on Nintendo it just looks lame. It's unfortunate since the controller has so much potential.
Used to wear a lot of psychedelic crap back when I was reveling in it. Now I just wear plain shirts. I need to find a balance.
looks like digital life is treating you well! I wish I had a shirt that psychedelic!
Dig Dug would be awesome!
I don't know about XIV yet.... I tried it the other day but I couldn't get into it. I'm going to try again though.
I'm mostly excited for X and X2, which I'm going to buy a Vita for. I'm down with XV and Nomura's designs, I can live with them, but if I could get that IX look back I would be happier.
dude these are amazing. and different styles! I especially like the 2nd one.