Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
And you definitely need this game, it's so good!!!!!!
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!!
And you definitely need this game, it's so good!!!!!!
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it!
And Undead Burg is a fantastic place. I actually farmed for a bit by that Fire whenever I first played through the game as well! But stay tuned man, more Shenanigans are on the way!
Steve Martin on a banjo?
Conrats on the new bf!
Looks like you got some good games though. I have yet to play Dragons Dogma, but I definitely will at some point! It looks pretty good, but I just have yet to get around to it. I'll probably get to it after I wade a bit further through my backlog.
Ugh.. This backlog is really holding me back!
That's actually pretty cool
ANOTHER re-release of a re-release? Damn!
I may look into this. As of right now, I only have MGS 2 and 3. Definitely need to get my hands on the first and fourth one, so this could possibly be a cheaper way for me to grab them all in one swipe!
My Wife and I started this game and we were really enjoying it, but after a while it became rather monotonous and bland. It was fun to start, but the luster wore off quickly. Perhaps it's more along the lines of a game that simply needs to be pieced out and played over a longer period of time, or maybe it's just me?
I honestly don't know anyone else from DC so Flash and Aquaman were the only ones I could think of.
Marvel on the other hand is a completely different story..
What about The Flash? I used to watch the TV show all the time whenever I was younger (I believe it was a show in the 80's, I think I was only 3-5 years old but I still remember it). You could also throw around the idea of liking Aquaman as your fifth entry (Please don't).