The guy I do BvsC with (B) is a HUGE Rush fan. He actually just got tickets to go see them for his birthday. It will mark his 16th time seeing them. lol
The guy I do BvsC with (B) is a HUGE Rush fan. He actually just got tickets to go see them for his birthday. It will mark his 16th time seeing them. lol
By the way.....
When are we going to wrap up Resident Evil?
EA doesn't really bother me that much. They have games that flop and they have games that completely fail, but they have also given me some great games. I loved Dead Space and I personally think Army of Two is one of the greatest co-op shooters ever (That's solely my opinion though). I don't like the microtransaction crap though, but it's not being forced upon me and I don't have to do it if I don't want to.
My biggest qualm about EA is how they charge full price for a sports game that really has no updates other than roster changes. That really irks me..
I've never beaten MGS3, but I have full intentions of doing so. I beat the first 2 MGS games, and I started the third but I just never finished it. I downloaded the HD collection whenever XBL had the big Spring Sale last month, so it's been added to my backlog which I'm currently working through right now!
The original full game is included with this right?
And I think Capcom released a statement saying that it couldn't be released as DLC because of the sheer size and tack-on issues in regards to downloading and patching. But they offered incentives, which by the sounds of it aren't that great.. Bummer.
Damn.. I left you all that advice on your previous blog and now I get to this one.. I really need to work backward instead of forward whenever I'm catching up on weekend blogs.. lol!
I've been pounding Monster Hunter on 3DS though, it's so good! However, i'm kind of stuck right now on the 3-star missions. Bummer right?
Well I'm glad to know that it takes more than a 100 piece Hello Kitty puzzle to hold you back! lol
Congrats on Suikoden II also! That's great!
I remember you telling me that you were keeping your eye out of it, so I'm glad it worked out for you!
I should've tried to raise the price a bit to mess with you though.. lol!
NES, SNES, AND Genesis? That's pretty sweet. Too bad the controllers suck, but at least it gives you the option of plugging in the originals!
Ben... I think you need to check your privaledge...
Sorry.. Couldn't resist..
I don't judge games based on Eastern/Western origins. I just play games to play games. If it looks fun, then I'm all about it. If it looks shit, meh... I may try it but I still won't judge it by origin. Judging a game by it's origin KIND OF feels a bit racist to me I suppose.
I used to play the shit out of Guitar Hero 2 whenever I was in college. There was nothing better than getting completely wasted and playing Guitar Hero and soloing with the guitar behind your head.
Made me feel like a pro, although I probably looked like a complete idiot.
Oh well, I had fun! lol