I'm not that familiar with MGS, aside from playing as Snake in Brawl and the 3DS demo of MGS3. It doesn't help that I'm horrible at stealth in games.
I'm not that familiar with MGS, aside from playing as Snake in Brawl and the 3DS demo of MGS3. It doesn't help that I'm horrible at stealth in games.
This game looks cool. The person playing in the video makes it seem so effortless, but I just know I woudn't make it as far in the same amount of time.
It's more that I don't have a phone at all (crazy I know), but at least I know there's another option available if I ever do get one.
I'm pretty terrible at rhythm games, but I still find them enjoyable enough.
The cover alone looks pretty interesting, wish I had the time to read more comics.
As someone living on the East Coast, all I can say is I can't wait for it to be over.
While my laptop may be a stuttering mess at times, at least I don't have the added headache of having to deal with Windows 8.
I don't play FPS's that much, mainly due to my being terrible at them than any motion sickness problems.
The only Tales game I didn't like all that much was Legendia. While reading about the game afterwards, I found out it wasn't worked on by the main Tales staff, and that answered why it didn't feel right to me.
I figure if you didn't know about it beforehand it's not really cheating. Or you could just make up a small bit of story in your head that the opponents figured out what you were doing and played along in order not to get killed outright.