I would buy this in a heartbeat lol. Those screenshots are beautiful man! Maybe include Little Mac from Punch Out! or Nathan Spencer from Bionic Commando? He could use his bionic arm like a spear or something.
I would buy this in a heartbeat lol. Those screenshots are beautiful man! Maybe include Little Mac from Punch Out! or Nathan Spencer from Bionic Commando? He could use his bionic arm like a spear or something.
Man those rpgs are gonna take some time lol. I'm glad I don't have that many in my backlog. I want to play FF 12 again someday. I also need to finish Persona 3 so I can get to Persona 4. I was really far and got stuck at a boss in the normal game and a boss in Tartarus. I pretty much forgot everything that had happened lol.
A car stealth part? How does that work? The only snowboarding game I ever played was the minigame in Final Fantasy 7. I put an absurd amount of time into that.
I could go for some cheese enchiladas right about now. I could eat those things for every single meal of every single day. Is it too early for that sort of thing?
Dishonored is ok. I haven't put too much time into it yet. I've beaten Uncharted 1 and 2. I haven't played 3. I actually got Uncharted 2 for free since I found a $100 bill in the parking lot at work one day. There was a rip in it but the clerk at Wal-Mart didn't care. I doubt that will ever happen again.
I guess the moral of this story is don't drink and blog lol.
Man that sucks about your Ipod. I hope you can figure it out. Resistance is a great series. I loved the first one. I just bought the third the other day. It seems great from the little bit that I played of it.
Cyan's my favorite. His mannerisms are hilarious! I love all of them really. Well, except for Strago. That dude was a piece of crap. Why are the blue mages always so sucky in FF games?
I don't think that Nobou Uematsu did the soundtrack for Mystic Quest. That game takes a lot of flak, but it's a decent rpg for beginners, and the music is great! Then again, If it wasn't for the awesome music, I wouldn't say it's worth playing lol.
I just started playing Dishonored a little ways back. Man I suck at it lol. I didn't realize it was in first person. A stealth game in first person? It seems pretty cool though. BFG Edition has a LOT of content in it. It took me forever to beat all of it.
FF 6 is my favorite FF, and one of my all time favorite rpgs as well. I have beaten it countless times and could never possibly get sick of it. It's really hard for me to say what my favorite song is since there are so many great ones. Here's one of them.
Since Cary mentioned Mystic Quest, have you heard the battle theme? It rocks!