I can't believe that I almost fell for that. I read FF XIII and thought... Interesting choice. I cannot believe that I had a momentary lapse of memory and forgot Dark Souls.
I can't believe that I almost fell for that. I read FF XIII and thought... Interesting choice. I cannot believe that I had a momentary lapse of memory and forgot Dark Souls.
I don't know if I remember the last weekend that it did not snow around here. Either snow, or weather cold enough to call off school.
I have ot gotten into this series yet, but I do have a copy of Abyss for the 3DS. I hope to get to it at some point, but I don't know when.
The WItcher 3 is the primary reason why I wanted to get a PS4. I really hope it comes out this year. The story in The WItcher 2 is great and all, but I think that the real draw is how they handle choices. The game is split up into three different acts and the second act can be drastically different depending on your choices.
The supposed length of the game doesn't really bother me either. If it is crafted as well as any of the Metroid games I will be replaying it on a yearly basis.
I can't say that I like the pricing structure. Why are there three different prices for the game?
I own P4, but haven't played that one yet either. Why did you have to put FF IX in my mind?
The only release that I know I missed is the 3DS version. The only real problem with buying it so many times lies in the fact that I haven't actually played it since it was released. I did beat it 2 or 3 times though.
It is funny how I got a Vita to play this game, yet I still don't own it.
He is seven, so that helps narrow things down. If I had to narrow down my own collection for myself, then yes that would be so difficult.
I am actually glad to see ME3 on this list. I think that it had a good mix of what made the first two games unique and special.