Do I smell a spin-off series.....Sorry been real behind on my simpsons and have still yet to watch that other show.
Do I smell a spin-off series.....Sorry been real behind on my simpsons and have still yet to watch that other show.
I'll still hold out on netflix before I see this. Not because of the reviews or the critics, I'm just not that big of a spider man fan.
How is that dragon fantasy book series anway? i noticed it on sale awhile back but wasn't sure if I should buy it. I didn't know much about it nor could i find any decent reviews about the games.
I need to try that child of light demo. Just debating if I should try it for XBLA or PSN.
my feelings are the same when it comes to this game as it does with Kirby. Meh.
Until the 1 minute warning you spoke of. I thought I was tripping out. it didn't help I was starting to fall asleep at the time. It was late.
need moar hollywood undead!
whatever happened to gamestop's summer sales? that was one of the only few times I actually got excited about buying games over there. usually I go to my locak gamers or gamevalut that have daily deals like 5 for $25 on select racks or buy 2 get 2 free on $20 or less titles.
RThought about that Sactum game. I'm a big fan of tower defense games but for some reason I couldn't get into it on XBLA, and you'd think I would given it has FPS elements in it. I'll have to give this game a second chance.
Not a fan but the rest of the console based games are tempting
HOld off mate hold off! aftering playing such a meaty title like Bravely Default, you'll need some time to recharge. Even RPG heros need some rest in the game.