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Super Step's Comments - Page 1283

Top 230 RPGs: 200-191

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 10:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, for older games I tend to just like playing what I grew up with, like Double Dribble, Ten Yard Fight, SFIITurbo, etc.

Ermahgerd it's Perkacher

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 09:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That's cool, and even though the Pikachu is extending it, it actually looks smaller than my N64 at home. Case in point: awww, that's adorable.

Top 230 RPGs: 200-191

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 09:42 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I could see myself enjoying Puzzle Quest or Brain Lord, but I only download free match-three games like Bejeweled and such on my phone, and Brain Lord would be interesting to me for longer than it was for you I think.

But I'll never play either, so it really doesn't matter.

E3 Roundup....

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 09:37 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Honestly, I'm surprised you as a JRPG fan are that excited for FFXV since by all accounts they seem to be making it into an action game. But hey, as an action game fan, I'm excited with you!

I'm also pretty much with you on all of the conferences. One thing I will say in Microsoft's defense: they have more exclusives, and they look good to me. Too bad everything else turns me way off to the console.

As for Sony, that got me pumped for a PS4, "exclusives" (which aside from Halo will likely cease being exclusives somewhere down the line) be damned, and hell, Order 1866 and the new Killzone look good to me. 

Nintendo does have cool things like X, Bayonetta 2, and Mega Man in Smash Bros., but yeah, nothing aside from X really surprised me, and I knew of X beforehand. But hey, can't go wrong with Nintendo, I just don't think it's for me at this point.

VG Movie Week #6: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 09:11 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I think if I had played Warrior Within first, I'd like it. It's really not all that different gameplay wise, and a lot of people think the combat was improved (I disagreed then, but maybe if I went back to it, I wouldn't), it's just the changes they made to the character, setting, and style sucked some of the joy out of it for me.

Brokeh's late night moviehs!: SH Revelation

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 09:07 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, it was technically a pretty faithful adaptation as far as the bullet point plot points of the episodes, but the pacing and feel of the original stories belonged in cartoon TV show form.

I just thought even then it could have kept more of the original's charm, but hey, without that movie I would not be having this conversation, so it did some good as PR for the show.

Screwing with Series

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 07:40 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Good, gooood. Come to the neutral side. We have both sugar and chocolate chip cookies. Red velvet with frosting and sprinkles upon request.

Happy Fathers Day to all you Gamer Dads Out There

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 06:24 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Well, my dad isn't a Gamer Dad, but we'll enjoy lunch together for sure. I do love to eat, even if I'm on a calorie diet. Smile

Have a good one, lee! Happy Father's Day!

Screwing with Series

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 06:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Honestly though, it was kind of nice to just focus on other things for a bit. Even read the first chapter of Mockingjay while everything was out. Plus like I said, got some exercise in, been needing that for a while.

But I was also doing most of that cause of the onset of insanity that came from not being "plugged in," so it's hit or miss I guess. And now we know I have an addiction, so acknowledging the problem is the first step to being cured, right?

Killer Instinct Preview

Posted on 06/16/2013 at 04:40 AM | Filed Under Preview

Well, I'll be watching this closely. Too bad it's on Xbox One though, and if Microsoft owns the rights to the name ... oy. Also, that only got settled a couple months ago? So, how long has this been in development then?

Oh, how I wish this were a physical disc launch title on PS4, handled by former Rare employees. Still, I hope that's who the "core" people are helping out, and that they, Double Helix and Rich Bantegui can come up with a good game. Not cause I plan on buying it at present, but cause I like KI and don't want to see its legacy tarnished.

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