Yeah, I feel about the same way and it's very bittersweet.
Yeah, I feel about the same way and it's very bittersweet.
Well, R.I.P. Arturo Vega, and I forgot how much I liked "Pet Semetary." Great band. Cool swag at the end there, too. I think some of that was in one of your previous blogs too, right?
Yeah, I tend to prefer Android because of price (which would be a moot point if I had a Galaxy phone) and certain policies, but the OS themselves have advantages for the type of person you are. Still, those stats do factor in to my decisions, so let the fanboys hammer it out, and I'll use the info.
Battlefront I actually never heard of before, but that trailer was cool. So it's a bit like Rogue Squadron I take it? Looks like something I'd play, in any case.
And we are all so excited about PS4's business policies, or at least I was, I forgot about cool details like remote play. Just another thing to make that purchase decision easier.
Yeah, Warner Premiere is hit or miss with me, but for a dollar a night at Red Box, Superman Unbound is worth checking out imo. Not the greatest thing ever, but I enjoyed it for what it was for sure.
Oh yeah, love the music remix choice, always wanted to see that paired with an action sequence.
I would pre-order it out of sheer delight in their smackdown press conference, but my money is still for other things until futher notice (had to get the car fixed today; costed about a PS4; my student loan interest has probably gone up again as well) and last generation, which I stayed out of completely so far has taught me a lesson from afar: don't buy a new console at launch.
That "only red ring is the circle button" ad Sony has is very clever in that regard, but should I really trust a verion 1.0?
Ashamedly, I have never seen Road Warrior. But yeah, Mel's dad seems to have put a lot of stupid shit in his head he probably had to fight with his whole life. I honestly think he needs therapy more than anything.That's a toxic mindset/environment to grow up in. Meanwhile, he should probably be kept away from certain groups of people. Like any non-therapist person. And let's hope that person is a white Catholic so he doesn't try to kill them outright.
Yeesh. Sad to think about.
I have not pre-ordered one, but Amazon in general has been a good service for me, typically things arrive on time in good condition.
And in all honesty, I will just stop talking, because I am having to base all of this on limited data, because I don't know what the demos would look like broken down into genres and game series, etc. so I am speaking from a hypothetical context. I'm just laying out how I feel about "what if" situations.