It's not that they try new things, it's that they implement them awkwardly. I wouldn't mind half as much if the armor just appeared in the next room you wanted to go into without having to call it every time.
It's not that they try new things, it's that they implement them awkwardly. I wouldn't mind half as much if the armor just appeared in the next room you wanted to go into without having to call it every time.
That I actually kind of liked. Really, it's just this part that bothers me.
It actually never bothered me that much until they introduce this armor controlling concept; that's when it started driving me batshit. lol
There are a ton of people that don't like SNL, and I get it. It's often very boring. But for me, it's just a tradition ... of being a shut-in, and having only that for entertainment and company on weekends. That's how I roll.
And yeah, I thought of Nostalgia Critic too, but he got the name from this method of getting your work to employers, so there. lol
Unfortunately, I can't, but sounds like a cool idea, fucker.
Infinity is what they're saying the new XBOX is named, so I think that's why he said that ... but that's technically a rumor, so we'll see tomorrow.
So it is tomorrow. Thought it was Wednesday for some reason.
I'd have no idea who gets mad at this stuff. Eleven-year-olds, maybe? Not that I'd know from experience ... *ahem*
I'm excited for this, too. Finally get to have some facts in place of rumors, see what everything looks like, what games are coming, etc.
Nice song choice. lol
The instrumental sounds closer to industrial than nu metal to me, but yeah David's voice is going to make everything sound a bit like Disturbed. It does sound a bit different to me though, he seems to be hitting higher notes more often and growling a bit less. "Close My Eyes" was a cool cover.
Pokemon Pinball. Easy to pick up and put down.
I'm just not bothering with that. I update once I've beaten or completed something, cause it adds to that achievement feeling, but I know what I'm playing, so I don't feel the need to post it there.