I'm asking for this one odor Christmas. Heard too many good things. VGX was awful save No Man's Sky, which looks great.
I'm asking for this one odor Christmas. Heard too many good things. VGX was awful save No Man's Sky, which looks great.
Holy crap I need to listen to this podcast.
I still say Tomb Raider was just okay. Sure, there was more exploration than your average action game, but it never really got to the point where it scratched my exploration itch like, say Metroid Prime. That's really TR as a whole for me, everything it does is technically good, but it never goes far enough to really satisfy anything.
Before the entry cost of getting a gaming PC was what kept me out of it. When I get out of college though and get a stable career though, I might end up the same way as you.
I'm really loving Link Between Worlds also. The controls are just so smooth and satisfying, and I am really loving the dungeons, overworld, and especially setup of this one. Easily my favorite Zelda since Minish Cap.
I wasn't that big of a fan of Tomb Raider, but hope you like it. Think it's better if you've never played Uncharted 2, which does most of the same things minus the exploration in a much better package.
Only game I bought on sale was the Sonic Collection for the DS. All the Genesis Sonic games on one cart for $10? Hell yeah!
It's definitely Animal Crossing
Nice picks. Mine go to Last of Us, Rayman Legends, and Super Mario 3D World.
I don't think the problem is the place, the problem is the writing and execution. Cage has the vision, I'll give him that, but he needs guidance to realize it. Heavy Rain was still a very flawed game, but it's ambition made it easy to overlook many of it's flaws. Beyond has nothing we haven't really seen before. Without that, it's a lot easier to see the flaws, which are also much more numerous.