That's awesome! I loved renting Destroy All Humans! and I need to finish Psychonauts.
That's awesome! I loved renting Destroy All Humans! and I need to finish Psychonauts.
Is the title of this blog your actual opinion based on completing the game, or a shock headline based on only playing a little bit? I'm guessing the former, or you just like it that much based on whatever amount you played, but it's hard to tell given how much Internet hate there is for it. It's kind of like how there has to be a plethora of Nickelback fans, but you don't often see people copping to it.
Mario + Rabbids does look cute.
Nothing else has made me jump on a Switch purchase, but Tetris 99 might seriously do it ... that's what I'd be saying if I was fully employed at the moment.
The name of the developer for DBZ/Guilty Gear/BlazBlue is Arc System Works, and if they're on your mind, I want to play this game ...
Firewatch ends up not being super zen the way Journey or Flower are, but GRIS is synonymous with it, I'd say. Firewatch is a good playthrough though.
I didn't want to post an actual screen shot ...
Check it out tonight, will you? Yeah, you do that. You do that, Snee. I'm watching you.
I totally failed on the book reading front this month. I'm a little sad about it.
I might need to check out Payback. I was hyped for it too, until reviews hit. Glad you liked it!