First time reading Neil Gaiman and it was worth it. I think i'll continue with Sandman next.
First time reading Neil Gaiman and it was worth it. I think i'll continue with Sandman next.
With you and Knight Driver talking wonders about EDF, i'm temped to play the game. Unfortunately, I don't have the console that can play it, so i'm going to wait for the not likely possible to happen Steam port.
Just a random bit on Bioshock from what I played, the gunplay is definitly a weak aspect. However, I find it serviciable and I think the plasmids, mechanics, exploration, atmosphere or simply anything else make up for it.
I do think Fear, System Shock 2 and Left 4 Dead count. Those three games have guns as a center in the gameplay and what you use most of the time. Then again, i've only played the latter game....
I can't really say much about FPS's because besides Halo, I wasn't very used to the genre and it's just recently that i'm getting more deepely into them. I would say that atleast some games (from what i've seen, I could be wrong) like the new Wolfenstein are actually trying to break the monotomy of those mechanics that were popular below 2011 or so.
Though gameplay is also important, I take more interest in the setting. Like, due to overexposure I don't care for any of the modern settings, which is why I haven't played any of those games like CoD or Battlefield (atleast in recent memory). I prefer Sci-Fi settings (like Halo or Half-Life), or ones with unique designs (Bioshock or Team Fortress2).
Love the synth and how the song gets progresively "heavy" (for lack of better word).
Congrats on the PS4. I'm not sure if i'll get one myself, but I find it more interesting than the Xbone, that's for sure.
Well, looking forward for what you'll say about Sonic. Bring it on
Saw this over Tumblr. I'd be interested in trying the game.
As Penny Arcade once described it, anonimity also takes part in this. Since no one knows who you are, you can let yourself go without much repercusions. However, try that in real life and see what people how people react.
In any case, I agree with what you are saying.