I saw RHCP being advertised by the online stream, and I wanted to watch that, but every time I do so, my computer slows way down, so I just avoid those now, usually.
That's funny about the Ray J thing. On desperate sounding song title.
Marilyn Monroe has a Lego? Where's Aboboisdaman when you expect him? lol
Holy crap, that's a lot of games! Nice! Mine have only recently been organized, but yours look well kempt. This reminds me, still haven't found several boxes, or my copy of Pokemon Blue...
I hated that second Transformers movie, but Pain & Gain actually looks like something I'd watch. Good to have some popcorn entertainment now and then, especially in gaming.
I like my fighting games, but I agree with everything you said. Man, I would LOVE a new Rival Schools.
Nice! Big library of 360/PS2 games there.
Blood Red Throne was awesome, and I enjoyed the Airbourne a lot as well. I did an interview with their drummer for gamesmeetmetal way back, and I like the AC/DC style they have going. Interview might not have been that interesting (haven't read it in a while, so don't really know), which would have been my fault cause I didn't know what questions to ask, really, but you do find out some of his gaming preferences. lol
LOL. Well, I guess if I had to go through long winters, I'd welcome it too, but living in a state where summer and spring are the only not-made-up seasons, and winter and fall just means "it's cold, there might be a snow day at some point," I'm not as welcoming.
I have not played that, but it sounds stupidly awesome!
You might be waiting a while on that Netflix thing, though....
Sorry, I think I misinterpreted you saying neither about Robinson nor baseball to mean "not up on baseball," but had an interesting story. That was my fault. You know a lot more about baseball than I do, I'm sure, just read into the comment wrong.