I'd love a new 3D Mario but I need a Wii U first.
I'd love a new 3D Mario but I need a Wii U first.
Were you having a stroke when you typed this Snee?
Loved this game and the second one too. Even though I'm bad at fighting games the Power Stone games were so much fun.
I'd love to see Thousand Year Door on the New 3DS. Personally I love the New 3DS and think it is a worthy upgrade even if we never see another exclusive. The faster processor and the analog nub are good enough for me. I do hope we see more games though just because it has the power to do it.
Except that there is no Xbox One X. No Slimming, no technical changes just a bigger hard drive and a controller with a headphone jack. The controller will likely be sold separately.
If it is possible for owners to swap out the existing drive I wouldn't be surprised if they bring the proprietary 1 TB drive as a separate item at some ridiculous price like $200 because that's what they do.
Being able to stream XBone games to a Surface Pro 3 would be cool but not something I'll ever experience.
I might give Operation Abyss a shot when it goes on sale because it looks interesting. I'm glad that most of the Vita games coming out now are compatible with the PS TV now that developers aren't writing for all the gimmicky stuff on the handheld
It's good to have you back blogging again Alex. I look forward to reading.
I would have backed the game but $28 USD (about 35 Canadian)is just too much for me right now and that's the lowest tier to actually get the game.
She is feeling much better now. We're feeding her a fibre supplement in hopes of stopping it from happening again.
I look forward to seeing your pictures.
I've played, or played bits of all of the above and enjoyed them. My only comment would be that if there are sequels I hope they are released on the PC.
I am thankful for Yooka-Laylee and have already ponied up for the PC version but I will never play anything that comes out for the Xbone exclusively.