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Blake Turner's Comments - Page 17

Postcard from the Mushroom Kingdom

Posted on 06/15/2018 at 07:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nah the last AC was Egypt. I liked it a lot outside of the story, especially how much it borrowed from the witcher 3. the new one looks like it's doing that too.

Yeah everyone I saw had a bad time of it, so maybe the controls are more difficult than your RE4's and Dead Spaces? Either way, it actually looks somewhat scary and super atmospheric -which is weird given zombies are the least scary thing ever to me.

Oh shit then, I definitely need to play it then, even if it is just to explore morrowind again!

My Top 5 and Bottom 2 of E3

Posted on 06/15/2018 at 01:41 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Im surprised you're not looking forward to TLOU 2. I thought it looked great and I'm looking forward to jumping back into that world.

 I hope Anthem is good. I really do. However I feel Destiny only really works because of how damn satisfying it's gunplay is. Bioware isn't going to match that.

I thought Spider-Man looked great!

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice also looks great, and Im looking forward to DMC 5, and Rage 2 surprisingly. 

I thought it was a pretty darn solid E3, with the exception of the non event that wasEA's show.

Postcard from the Mushroom Kingdom

Posted on 06/15/2018 at 01:30 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The gameplay footage for resi 2 looks great! So keen!

Nero and Dante look fucking weird though. Not a huge fan of their new look, but still looking forward to it.

The Last Assassins Creed was pretty great, so im keen for this too.

i bounced off ESO, but maybe I should give it another go at some point.

Fallout 76?

Posted on 06/07/2018 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under Blogs

That they're asking for preorders based on that trailer is disgusting.

Jason Schneider also broke a lot of news about fallout 4 in 2013 that turned out to be true, and his leaks have often been pretty spot on so I trust the rumour.

May 2018 Recap

Posted on 06/05/2018 at 02:21 PM | Filed Under Blogs

The original Strange Journey was intensely difficult, even for this series and genre. I didn't get very far. I've heard they lowered the difficulty (the original games difficulty is apparently expert difficulty in this version) and added a ton of quality of life features to the new version, so I might pick it up at some point.

 I really want to get back into Destiny 2 at some point, though I don't have a pc anymore and don't want to rebuy it on console. I loved the pvp too, and spent much more time in it than I thought I would. It's surprisingly fun given I dont usually like competitive shooters and usually prefer pve content in online games.

Heard good things about Curse of the Moon, might pick it up at some point. Love me some  Vania, classic or post SotN.

The Risen series is jank as fuck but I find it weirdly charming. I like the series, though it's not for everyone. If you do end up liking it I highly recommend Elex.

Game Pass Quickies

Posted on 06/05/2018 at 11:47 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Dirt Rally is freaking hard, but I got some solid enjoyment out of it. Once you get in the zone, it's amazing.

Darksiders has the combat of god of war, but the dungeons, puzzles, and progression of Zelda, which is where the comparisons are coming in. Although it's almost like a greatest hits of popular mechanics from the time, especially noticable with a late game item.

My Thoughts on Owlboy

Posted on 06/05/2018 at 11:38 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I felt the same. A few elements don't work, though that pixel art is freaking gorgeous.

It's odd to think that it looks like a 2d platformer, and physics objects have the properties of such, but it actually plays more like an overhead 2D Zelda title with the gunplay of a metal slug. Or at least the first few hours I played did.

Long time no blog

Posted on 05/14/2018 at 11:04 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Jurassic Park the RPG is a good name for it xD

Dana's story took way too long to get interesting IMO and the early parts where you play as her were a bit of a chore when I just wanted to get back to saving castaways and slaying dinosaurs. The true ending was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be to get, as I panicked at missing an early side quest but still had over 50 more rep than I needed to get it.

Yeah I like Ys Seven better too, though I prefer the VI/Origins/oath engine myself.

Long time no blog

Posted on 05/14/2018 at 05:50 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah the opening of Nier is quite bullshit since it's up to 40 minutes without a save point. 

Long time no blog

Posted on 05/14/2018 at 05:47 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I guess it's more that they don't explore the concepts they're throwing around more than base level while namechecking the most famous philosophers in their field. 

 I think with Mario the exploration works because it's mostly small levels with tons of different paths and platforming challenges. However, doing a long platforming challenge or puzzle only to not be rewarded because the moon isn't available is kind of a kick in the teeth. It's not really metroidvania, because you aren't getting new abilities and then thinking "oh shit I know where I can use that!" instead the nod just doesn't give you the moon for some reason. It's odd.

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