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Surfcaster's Comments - Page 19

Hey Ya'll

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 09:46 AM | Filed Under Blogs

"The best feeling of beating someone in a game and looking for to see the despair on their face."

I lol'd at that quote. It's so true! I miss the marathon N64 Goldeneye matches and Mario Kart 64 battles my friends and I used to have.

What Do You Do For a Living?

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 09:43 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I'm a programmer by trade, but I haven't done that in a while, haha. I became a Systems Analyst at my current company (a telecom) and have been mostly doing maintenance on our databases and creating database-driven tools (where the programming comes in occassionally).

I love my job. I have a lot of freedom and the people I work for are great, so I don't see me going anywhere any time soon, but I would like to get into some more web development. It's been forever since I coded something for the web.

Well Pixlbit Im Officially Old

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 09:33 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Happy birthday!

The Year of Metal Gear

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 09:32 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Oh man, I didn't know Metal Ger was fated in the stars! I picked up the HD collection with the hopes of playing through the Solid series again. I'm thinking I'll pick up the Twin Snakes edition of MGS to start. Can't say as I'll get to them all this year, but here's hoping!

Are you playing the MSX versions from the MGS3: Subsistence disk? Or do you actually own an MSX2? I want one of them just for the MG games, haha. Too pricey, though!

A Case For MODern Times: Why Mods Should Be Embraced.

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 08:43 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Joe mentioned Street Fighter X Mega Man above, which is an example of a company embracing a mod. It didn't end up being that great, but it's the gesture that counts.

There was a big Chrono Trigger 2 fan project a few years ago that looked really promising, but Square Enix put the corporate boot to that one. If they aren't going to make a sequel, why not let the fans!?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 07:59 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I have great memories of playing the first Turtles arcade game at one of our local arcades. I picked it up on XBLA, and it was fun, but it's not quite the same!

Random stuff 3/5/13

Posted on 03/06/2013 at 07:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

How do you like FF III? I was enjoying it at first, but after a while I kind of got bored and just never picked it back up. I did the same thing with The 4 Heroes of Light, which I was actually enjoying even more than FF III.

You do mean the actual FF III and not VI, right? haha

Rage Quit - Bloated Budgets

Posted on 03/05/2013 at 12:23 PM | Filed Under Feature

I haven't played any of the games, except for the original, but this is sad news. They basically took a commercially viable franchise, shoe-horned it into a genre that it didn't fit, and expected it to sell like hotcakes.

They could've kept this series going forever, with good scares and none of that other bloated bullshit, like co-op multiplayer. It's sad news, but that seems to be EA's MO these days.

A Castlevania Revelation

Posted on 03/05/2013 at 12:16 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I actually found an adapter for my SNES controller on RetroUSB. I'm just waiting for it to get in!

One of the copies of HoD wouldn't boot at all or it was just black screen. I tried cleaning it a bit, but to no avail, so I returned it to EB. For the second one, the game would play, but I couldn't save. I tried and tried, but nothing would happen. It was really weird. Had to return that, too.

I will find one that is fully operational!

Crystalis: The Game Zelda II Should've Been

Posted on 03/05/2013 at 12:05 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I completely missed out on RPGs on the NES. I didn't get into them until the SNES. I went back and picked up Final Fantasy, but never got far on my NES cart. I had to play the remake on the PSX later, haha.

This game looks great, though! I like the sci-fi and fantasy theme at play. It's not on the Wii Virtual Console, eh? That would be cool.

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